Kweather Forecast Center


?? Private Forecast, the Forecast Center Kweather private forecasts for the first time in Korea in 1977 as a center of business system has
  been conducted and Production forecast details were provided over 10 years for various companies in the field of personalized
  technology, based on the experience as a center of the nation’s first private Forecast Weather Forecast For private open
  meteorological law was established prior to the amendment.

?? Kweather Forecast Center is comprised of professionals with extensive experience from several weather-related institutions, including
  the Korea Meteorological Administration and foreign observational data and numerical weather prediction data in addition to the
  various raw meteorological data, unique numerical forecast model (K-NWP) systems and detailed meteorological data are secured
  through self-observation network for personalized service.

?? Kweather Forecast Center pursue private weather services as well as improve the forecast accuracy of meteorological information to
  increase the satisfaction of consumers through the proper utilization of meteorological information of the people.




Own forecast production


1. Produce forecast through own observation data and independent numerical weather prediction model (K-NWP)

?? In addition to the observational data collected through the computer network of the KMA and existing domestic and international
   demand source consisting mainly of Kweather itself utilizes Network Data

??Produce forecast by utilizing KMA and foreign meteorological data, and observations production of Kweather and independently
   owned numerical weather prediction model (K-NWP) data


2. Working 24-hour real-time forecasts, independent forecasts and forecast production support

??Skilled Kweather professional forecasters (atmospheric science majors from Japan Meteorological Agency and the Air Force
   Weather Squadron) produce real-time forecasts, presentations and support, and they always reside unusual meteorological
   occurrence Breaking through the website and Newsflash announced

??Provide accurate and timely forecasts through briefings and Forecast

??Provide distinctive four times a day forecast production


3. Produce short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts and seasonal forecasts

??Produce today ~ day after tomorrow, weekly, monthly forecasts and seasonal forecasts



Notice and Press Release


1. Short-term forecasts Notice

?? Short-term forecasts three times a day (6:00, 11:00, 16:00) notification statement, released and sent


2. Newsflash

?? Newsflash and unusual weather occurs when breaking the door announced, and provide


3. Weather-related Press Releases

?? Provide Weather-related articles once a week

