Weather Impact Analysis
Provide weather information analysis service that will influence to customers` core business metrics (sales, sales, etc.) in the form of tables and graphs, including the results based on the scientific and statistics analysis.


Product Configuration ??Temperature effect analysis : Analyze a relationship between key management?indicators
???and temperature.
???- Example: A product sales increased from 10 ?? drastically and most well-sold at 22.3 ??.

??Severe weather impact analysis : Analysis correlation between key management indicators
???andprecipitation, snowfall and severe weather
???- Example: A product sales revenue reduced by 40%?when precipitation 10mm occurs

??Weather correlation analysis : Find substitutable or complemented products numerically
???based onanalyzing weather factors (temperature, precipitation, etc.).

??Temperature sensitivity analysis : Comparative analysis of temperature effectiveness for
???eachcommodity by year

??Weather color analysis : Find the colors that will bring potential high revenue and present
???correlation between weather and color.
Development period It takes 40 business days for writing 1st Report, from the 2nd report it takes 15 business days (regardless of the number of items)
Major targeting business sector Apparel, retail, leisure, foodservice etc.

